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Current & Upcoming Trade Shows and Trade Events by Science and Engineering Institute (SCIEI)



    Name: Science and Engineering Institute (SCIEI)
    Tel: +86-182-0777 7775
    Official Website:  Click to Visit

    The SCIence and Engineering Institute (SCIEI) is a scientific society dedicated to the promotion of international education and university cooperation in the field of Science and Engineering.

    Through the organization of different international events, it brings together institutions, bodies and organizations from different countries of the world for discussion and cooperation

    SCIEI’s Mission is to promote and enhance the dialogue in education among the institutions devoted to Science and Engineering fields through:
    - Promotion of best practice standards in the service of international education.
    -The facilitation of relevant forums, training and information exchange.
    - Creation and dissemination of knowledge; exert an influence in public policy.
    - Production of publications used as a database document for research works, projects and innovation activities held on the international education field. 

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